Woman's hand wiping up dirt off the floor with a Bounty paper towel
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The idea of cleaning an entire house can be daunting—all of those chemicals and hours of scrubbing. But, the truth is that if you clean and straighten just a little bit every day, your house will stay much cleaner longer.

What You'll Need:

Squeegee for the Shower
Bounty Paper Towels
Broom or Dry Duster
Toilet Brush


Make your bed every morning. Even if you just pull the sheets up without doing hospital corners, your room will look so much cleaner with just that one step.

Toss any dirty clothes into the hamper and gather up any clutter. If you have enough clothes to make a full load, gather them up and start a load of laundry

Wipe down the shower walls with a squeegee after your shower. Wipe down the sink, counter, and mirror with a Bounty paper towel. Swish a toilet brush around the toilet. All in, this should take only a few seconds.

Fluff the sofa cushions and gather up any clutter. Straighten any items on the coffee table or end tables and wipe down flat surfaces quickly with a duster.

Clear out the kitchen sink or empty the dishwasher. A great habit to get into is clearing out your sink every night and emptying the dishwasher or drainer every morning.

Wipe down countertops and the sink with a Bounty paper towel.

Quickly sweep the kitchen floor with either a broom or a dry duster to grab daily dust.

Tackle any trouble spots your family has developed, and teach the rest of your family how to clean a house so it stays cleaner longer.